William Letter 2-8-1857
Columbia, CA
Sunday, February 8, 1857
My Dear Father & Mother,
I (scarcely) know how to commence writing after such careless negligence. However I will not go into lengthy apologies, (but) frankly confess my self at fault & as your forbearance with a promise that hereafter I will not necessitate my self to crave that indulgence. I was very glad to hear of your general good health at the time of writing. I deeply sympathize with you for the loss of your fine daughter. I hope that ( ) this the healing hand of time has taught you to ( ) no more for the past. I have (an ) answered letter from Uncle with a few ( ) from yourself also from Bro’s Joseph & James. I was somewhat surprised to hear of Bro Joseph’s position. I was (unspeakably) glad to see Bro James ( ) (such) a decision of character. I hope you (might)
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Let (naught) impede his progress. I also hope that Bro John is being attended to the best you know how. I will make arrangements by next letter to pay schooling and books for the children. I suppose James (Holden) is the best teacher in your vicinity. I should therefore recommend that you send your children to him. I would wish to say a few words here in reference to Bro James in particular. I do not care what (his) wages are. I am willing to say the same. I will appoint Uncle Joseph & have him pay the ( ) every two weeks if he (James) goes to school regular. It is not my wish that he should go to school just for the name of going if he goes I want that. He should go to study & study hard & I would suggest for your consideration that he go to Bury or some place out of Ramsbottom not that I think there are not men smart enough to teach him at home but I have
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a peculiar idea that boys learn more from homes. It is a common practice in the states & I can say from experience, I believe it acts well. It fits a young man for the task.. He is likely to be called upon to (perform). I shall wait for an answer in this subject. I hope You will be definite on this point. I am aware it will meet with some objections. I know you will reason that he is young & inexperienced but had I time & space I could overturn all your objections for I tell you experience is the best teacher & if you want experience you must go out into the world. If you desire your son James to excel send him from home. Now Father I hope you will comply with the above if you possibly can. For I could tell you how deeply I have felt my lack of information & experience though in (form). I had a common school experience as you know but God save my Brother from a similar one. I will now leave this subject & tell you how I am feeling. I am in excellent health & comfortable. I have not worked any for two months for want of matter. We have now got plenty however
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I will soon make the old Earth give up her treasure. We are having a wet winter. It has rained for 4 days now in torrents, But I am happy to say that Friend Haslam & my self are well shielded from the blast. That we have plenty of good food & (rament). We conduct our own household & enjoy ourselves well in these mild & far off regions. We spend many a hour in pleasing chit chat of home, relations & friends. I suppose that you would like to know a little of my (pecu ) affairs. Well I have struggling hard to shake a heavy debt with heavy interest. I have just about paid for my claim & shall now commence to save up money. I should realize a good thing of the kind as I expect to do well for some time out of the claim. I must now conclude. Haslam wishes to be kindly remembered to you and family. Give my love to all Sisters & Brothers, Uncles & Aunts & Cousins. ______________. I remain your affectionate son,
William Kirkman